
Fire Safety Training

The number of attempts remaining is 2

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1. Did you watch the YouTube video titled "Fire Safety Compliance Video" prior to taking this quiz?

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2. NEVER fight a fire if:

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3. A Class D fire cannot be extinguished by water.

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4. Which class of fire involves gases?

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5. How does one prepare for a fire emergency?

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6. If you are unable to evacuate the building, you should not:

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7. What does the below symbol indicate about a material?

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8. When using a fire extinguisher, how far should you stand away from the fire?

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9. Class B fire extinguishers are designed to be used on combustible metals.

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10. Which material should not be used on a Class B fire?

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11. Class B combustibles includes flammable liquids and gases.

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12. Class A fire refers to a fire that involves solid combustibles such as wood, coal, paper, plastic, straw, cloth, rubber or any other solid material.

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13. Why is it important to know the different classes of fire?

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14. The three basic elements needed to start a fire include oxygen, heat, and fuel. Removing any component stops the fire.

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15. Where should you aim a fire extinguisher nozzle when putting out a fire?

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16. Which of the following should you NOT do during a fire emergency?

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17. What can you do to help prevent a fire at work?

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18. Which of the following fire extinguishers is used to put out Class A fires?

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19. Which of the following should you do if you are unable to evacuate a burning building?

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20. Even in the case that there is no sign of a fire hazard you should always treat a fire alarm like it were a dangerous fire.

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21. It is important to use the right type of extinguisher on the specific class of fire to avoid personal injury or damage to property.

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22. To operate a fire extinguisher one must pull, aim, squeeze and _________.

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23. During a fire emergency, you should close all doors behind you to slow the spread of a fire.

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24. Which class of fire involves gases?

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25. What is a fire assembly point?

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26. You discover a fire, what is the first thing you must do?

